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Thursday, February 5, 2015

An Imperfect Love Letter to my Kids

I know that I tell you I love you an endless number of times a day. I know I also raise my voice too much and I'm grumpy before I have had caffeine and I have high expectations of you and all of that is probably never ever going to change. So please remember this: I am beyond proud of you. I am overwhelmed with the luck that you were born to me. And I know that I don't tell you that enough.

Here are just some of the reasons of why my soul could burst with pride:

Because sometimes you say please and thank you without me having to ask you to.

Because you have a laugh that is stunning and contagious.

Because you sometimes remember to not pick your nose in the living room.

Because you are so kind.

Because if I wasn't your parent, I'd want to be the type of friend you'd want to have a sleepover with.

Because you sometimes choose to go to the bathroom indoors. In a toilet.

Because I don't really mind when you go outside. I'd still want to have a sleepover.

Because you show up.

Because you sometimes sleep until after 6:30 in the morning.

Because you don't mind when dirt is under your fingernails.

Because you keep on trying.

Because you are okay with wearing mismatched socks when I'm behind on laundry.

Because your heart is so big it can barely be contained in your body.

Because you appreciate the greatness that is an ice cream sundae.

Because you live out loud.

Because you help clean the bathrooms.

Because you love books.

Because you aren't perfect.

Because you know that I'm not either.

Because you've taught me more than I thought I was capable of learning.

Because you know that success isn't measured in dollars.

Because you know that joy isn't either.

Because you give the type of hugs that make me forget to exhale.

Because you are stubborn. Like your father.

Because you are smart. Like me.

Because you love a good party.

Because you run so fast when you get off the bus, like the front door can't come quickly enough.

Because you remind me to stop taking it all so seriously.

Because you draw and build and dance.

Because you see opportunity in a rainy Saturday.

Because you can dream things that the world needs.

Because you are light.

Because you are the future.

Because you have set fire to the past.

Because you have made my present.

Because of you, I know what pride is. I know what happy feels like.
And I get to be awakened and blanketed by all that is good. Every. Single. Day.

I love you. I am proud of you. For all that you do... thank you.


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