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Monday, March 17, 2014

Kiss Me Irish Coffee

It is a snowy school off St. Patrick's Day here in Maryland. Two days ago my kids were riding bikes in short sleeves and washing our cars out in the sunshine. March is freakin ridiculous. Thank your Irish eyes that one of the highlights is St. Patrick's day and this drink starts the day off right.

This recipe is courtesy of my friend Tanya who not only is one of the most stylish people that I have ever met but also one of the best cooks. She is all around fabulous, much like this Irish coffee that I had at her house and begged for the recipe. It is what (Irish) dreams are made of...

Kiss Me, I'm Part Irish and I Love Irish Coffee:

Here is how you score the luck of the Irish:

1/8 cup of Irish Whiskey or Irish Mist (Jameson works beautifully but I've used Jack in a desperate pinch)

2 tsp. sugar

Stir to dissolve

Then add 1/2 cup coffee (I've used french press and espresso in the past but whatever you have on hand)

Stir and serve with 2 heaping tbsp. fresh whipped cream (I like to follow this one and use confectioners sugar).

That is it and it is so magically delicious...

One can not survive on green beer alone- balance is key. 
Happy St. Patricks Day...

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