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Friday, February 22, 2013

My Dream Journal is Now on Amazon

So I feel more naked and exposed now than I really ever have before. The frightening, revealing and exhilarating part in being a writer is putting yourself out there for the world to open. I could have procrastinated over soy lattes and red wine for a few more years but the time feels like now to take a step forward in a new chapter of writing. Outside from a notebook and the safety of a computer and release my words with the high hopes that they will awaken someone else. I can always drown myself in espresso and wine later.

My fifth baby has arrived and I know I'm partial, but she is gorgeous. Dream a Bigger Dream: a journal to unleash your beautiful potential is here and ready for your pen to decorate its happy pages. It makes a great gift for someone you love, a graduate, a friend, a sister. And you. We all deserve the biggest dreams possible. It all just begins with opening.

Thank you for reading...

Dream a Bigger Dream: a journal to unleash your beautiful potential by Kathleen Mary MooreDream a Bigger Dream: a journal to unleash your beautiful potential 

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